Balaton-Friendly Garden

Conservation-focused garden and land management initiative in the Balaton region

2023 —

Concept and professional guidance:
Diána Berecz, András Zlinszky (szabadonbalaton)

Dina Darabos

Georgina Kappeller, Dr. Barnabás Kovács, Zoltán Dezsény, Bálint Pacsai

Professional Support:
HUN-REN Ecological Research Center
Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate

The gardens around Lake Balaton are connected to the lake's water system and ecosystem, not just along the shoreline. What happens in the garden affects the landscape and, through it, the living system of the lake. The Balaton-Friendly Garden project showcases the principles and practices of conservation-oriented gardening and land management, tailored to different types of land use, with recommendations from experts. Everyone can find a cultivation method that suits their needs, whether they are vacation homeowners or local residents and farmers in the area, whether it's a vegetable garden, vineyard, orchard, or ornamental garden.

The Balaton-Friendly Garden programs explore these topics from both scientific and practical perspectives, through events, pilot areas, videos, publications, posts, and personal consultations. Information about the events is provided on the szabadonbalaton and PAD social media platforms.